- Aerospace Innovation and Research – AIR
- Artistic Ceramics from Nove and Bassano del Grappa
- Asolo and Montebelluna Sportsystem
- Belluno Eyewear
- Cluster Biologico Veneto
- Conegliano Valdobbiadene prosecco
- Contacts
- Cookie Policy (UE)
- Euteknos
- Face-Design
- Fishing District of Rovigo and Chioggia
- ForestaOroVeneto
- Furniture of Verona
- ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living
- IMPROVENET – ICT for Smart Manufacturing
- Industrial Districts
- INNOSAP – Innovation for Sustainability in Agrifood Production
- Innovative – portale dell’innovazione innoveneto
- List of Regional Innovative Clusters
- M3-Net
- Murano artistic glass and Venetian glass
- News
- Polesine District Amusement Ride
- Privacy Policy
- Regional Innovative Clusters
- RIAV – Rete Innovativa Alimentare Veneto
- RIBES-Nest per l’ecosistema salute e l’alimentazione smart
- RIVELO – Rete Innovativa Veneta per la Logistica
- Sicurezza e protezione nel lavoro e nello sport
- SINFONET – Smart & Innovative Foundry Network
- Site map
- SMARTLAND – Smart Destinations in the Land of Venice, Mission 2026
- The Footwear System of the Brenta Riviera
- Upper Vicenza Mechanics
- Venetian Green Building Cluster
- Venetian Innovation Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage
- Venetian Smart Lighting
- Veneto Clima ed Energia
- Veneto Green Cluster
- Veneto Leather District
- Veneto S3 Strategy
- Verona Marble and Stone district
- Veronese Wines
- Vicenza Goldsmith District
- Wood furniture in the Treviso area
Posts by category
- Category: News
- Mobile World Congress Open Innovation Challenge 2025
- ISE Open Innovation Challenge 2025
- Space Tech Expo Europe B2B Matchmaking 2024
- The #EURegionsWeek 2024 is over
- EventX Life Sciences 2024
- IFIB 2024
- 9/21 Interreg Cooperation Day
- European Week of Regions and Cities 2024
- EU seeks young entrepreneurs to be rewarded!
- The European Commission recognises Veneto as a ‘Regional Innovation Valley’.
- SPACE MEETINGS VENETO: space technologies and growth strategies for the future of Veneto
- Italian Food Design: Food, People, Science and Creativity for Made in Italy
- Veneto Regional Government approved the new Energy Plan
- Learn how best to export
- European Project ‘SILEO Eurocluster’ – 2nd Call for Digital Transformation Projects
- European Project ‘SILEO Eurocluster’ – 1st call for ‘Projects for the Adoption of Advanced Technologies
- Energy efficiency in the industrial sector
- Technology & Business Cooperation Days in Hannover
- Invitation to participate in the Cascade Call for Project Return – Spoke 7
- Online Innovation for place-based transformations
- Barcelona Mobile World Congress
- The green transition goes through Japan
- Call for qualified personnel in lighting engineering
- The global connectivity challenge
- Cascading Funds for Creative Enterprises and Rural Tourism
- Veneto Region submits for the Innovation Valley Initiative
- Cradle to cradle in alpine manufacture
- Veneto Region at the Partnerships for Regional innovation event
Temporary Manager
- Alberto Valente - 04100970237
- Riccardo Ongaro - 04840530275
- valentino bergo - 01543850299
- Roncucci&Partners - 02156431203
- ANTONIO ERENO - 03494980281
- Giorgio Gaino - 03611930284
- Paolo Mai - 04638610230
- AP CONSULTING SRL - 03266170236
- Inga Hockenbring - 03608591206
- Giovanni Rossato - 05463840289
- Gianluca Biotto - 04942080260
- Ghiotto Valeriano - 02453650248
- Disma srls - 04304140272
- Fabio Dani - 02591170242
- INN. IMPRESA S.R.L. - 03606210288
- ugo nuvoloni - 03163170362
- Marzia Milan - 01500500291
- Lisa Zinato - 05595670281
- LiberaMente Srl - 02072380302
- Patrizia Caruso - 05095140488
- Baker Tilly Hidra srl SB - IT 01868980937
- Damiano Milanato - 07266320964
- Wolfson - 01514610938
- benedetta parise - 04067500266
- CARDEA - 02469671206
- Maurizio Pietro Bellotto - 10165600965
- Federico Ridolfi - 04513830275
- Octagona Srl - 02969820360
- Luigino Righetto - 04843930266
- Protolab - 04454370281
- GIULIO OLIVIERO - 03409950981
- Studio Temporary Manager - 04098760236
- MAS SRL Unipersonale - 04075940280
- Federica Preto - 03717510246
- BankAdviser Srl - 04854950260
- EZ LAB srl - 04832270286
- daniele grandesso - 03103860247
- NOVAFUND S.P.A. - 04795250283
- Lucilla Lanciotti - 01600840449
- Marco Santoro - 04711330961
- Alberto Sozza - 03481920241
- Francesco Ziche - 03750590246
- Raffaele Giorgio DI GIACOMO - 01924100207
- Thinkplace srl - 01760890937
- KIXA - 04724790235
- Zeus Software srl - 04368610277
- Andrea Bedon - 05491230289
- Enrico Bulian - 03764370247
- ARC Centro Ricerche Applicate - 04520630288
- UOMO & AMBIENTE - 10874480014
- Makeitlean 1.0 - 04657730265
- Roberto Vendramin - 04291810267
- Viola Paladini - 04461540272
- Strategy Innovation - 04323680274
- Nicola Barbirato - 05231640284
- Nicola Aver - 04048070249
- M31 - 04447620289
- L.E.C.L. SRL - 03790240042
- Giammarco-Vetrocoke engineering - 03533340273
- Fabio Tonini - 04800930267
- Digital For Industry - 05086100285
- Diego Barausse - 04004370245
- Archeide - 04077980268
- A-MARKS FACTORY SRL - 04510340260
- Alessandro Bissoli - IT03880360239
- Alberto Serena - 04800940274
- KH Project & Solutions S.r.l. - 03753460249
- SQUIKY S.R.L. - 00440790285
- vincenzo ciccarello - 05103080262
- GOVERNANCE-AD - 03467960245
- 1 2 export srl - 04639830266
- Paradigma srl - 05050110286
- VA TECH FINANCE ITALIA - 03404820247
- MANAGER A TEMPO SRL - 05111660287
- MANSER - 04226940726
- LEOPOLDO NOVENTA - 04083380289
- Temporary Management & Capital Advisors - 04570420960
Tipologia profilo
Tipologia soggetto
Ambito operatività
Ambito impresa
- Big data e analisi dei dati
- Cloud - fog e quantum computing
- Integrazione delle tecnologie della Next Production Revolution (NPR) nei processi aziendali anche e con particolare riguardo alle produzioni di natura tradizionale
- Integrazione e sviluppo digitale dei processi aziendali
- Interfaccia uomo-macchina
- Internet delle cose e delle macchine
- Manifattura additiva e stampa tridimensionale
- Programmi di open innovation
- Prototipazione rapida
- Robotica avanzata e collaborativa
- Simulazione e sistemi cyberfisici
- Sistemi realtà virtuale e aumentata