Industrial District
Artistic Ceramics from Nove and Bassano del Grappa
The production of household objects and ornamental ceramics has developed over the centuries into different types: from standard but rich products for the home to products of great elegance.
In the period 2017-2020, the district has decided to focus on the following activities:
In the area of internationalisation:
• improving image and visibility on the market, also by enhancing marketing; moving from competitiveness to teamwork to improve marketing capacity;
• dealing adequately with the effects of globalisation through market knowledge;
In the area of innovation:
• sustainable development and environmental protection; strengthening the culture of product aesthetics;
• research into alternative natural raw materials or additive products that improve technical-performance qualities, including lower energy consumption and environmental impact;
• innovation/training actions in liaison with relevant bodies, universities and research centres.

Mr Roberto Peripoli
Mr Daniele Savio
c/o Fondazione CPV
Via Gioacchino Rossini, 60
36100 (VI)
Tel. +39 0444 960500
Fax +39 0444 1932220
Email: info@cpv.org