Industrial Districts
The Industrial Districts in Veneto constitute a historical form of aggregation between enterprises. They have established themselves over time as local production systems present in a defined territory and with a consolidated history, becoming an expression of the ability of the system of enterprises and local institutions to develop a strategic project for the development of the district in compliance with the legislative and regional planning instruments in force and synergy with the Regional Innovative Clusters
The new Regional Law on Industrial Districts, Innovative Clusters and Business Combinations recognises an industrial district as a production system within a circumscribed area of the regional territory, characterised by a high concentration of artisan and industrial manufacturing enterprises, with a prevalence of small and medium-sized enterprises, operating in specific production chains or in related chains that are important for the regional economy.
A production system obtains the recognition of a district on the following characterising elements: concentration of manufacturing enterprises (whether purely industrial, exclusively craft or mixed), territoriality, historicity and competitiveness of the system in terms of innovation and internationalisation.
With DGR No. 2415 of 16 December 2014, the Veneto Regional Council identified 17 industrial Districts in Veneto.